Welcome to Sendai WORKS for Agenda 2030 in cities

Welcome to Sendai WORKS for Agenda 2030 in cities 2019-05-10T13:02:37+02:00

How to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals while implementing the Sendai Framework

Local governments can significantly contribute to the achievement of the SDGs while implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. With this short questionnaire, we want you to become more aware of what your city is already doing to achieve the Sendai targets. Additionally, we will show you how such measures simultaneously contribute to SDG implementation, and how the two agendas are interconnected at city-level.

About the quiz:

You will be asked to answer seven questions about your impression of disaster risk reduction measures that are or can be implemented in your city.

The outcomes of the questionnaire are not exhaustive nor scientifically quantified, but aim to sensitise participants for potential synergies and co-benefits when addressing the two international agreements at local level.

Start the quiz