2.2 Aligning local plans and processes

2.2 Aligning local plans and processes 2019-01-07T12:48:30+01:00


From the strategic as well as sectoral perspective of the city, understand what the city is already doing, how that measures relate to the global goals, what could be done to make the linkage even stronger, and if possible measure outcomes.


List of steps a city could undergo for reviewing, analyzing and improving current perspective

  • Step 1: City chooses from a list of several strategic and sectoral plans, by-laws, processes, initiatives as a checklist of which ones are relevant in their context
  • Step 2:ย  Collect information about the responsible person in each case and availability of document and other references
  • Step 3. Review documents looking concretely on their goals and measures, and understand how they relate to the global agendas
  • Step 4. Understand possible changes necessary on the listed goals and measures the city has in order to make the linkage to the global agendas stronger or more accountable

Needs also to include provincial and national policies and strategies

Visualization of measures (matrix?) according a) to each SDG; b) to each implementation aspects of NUA and of c) climate agreement

Mapping of SDG goals and targets against national/subnational priorities (UNDP, RIA Tool)

  • Template 1: A rapid assessment of the alignment of existing plans, strategies, and/or policies with the SDGs
    All templates need to be adapted to conform to the policy areas/sectors contained in the NDP, or subnational development plan, or sectoral plan being analyzed as seen below. All relevant SDG Targets for the country being analyzed should be included in the template.
go to Template 1
  • Template 2: A detailed assessment of the alignment of existing plans, strategies, and/or policies with the SDGs, including corresponding targets, national or subnational indicators and institutional apparatus
go to Template 2